My school

Welcome To My werld random thoughts Random stuff i go on during lunch My schools new censorship software. My school disclaimer

Talk to frank... If you can

My school has made the horrific mistake of blocking A drug helpline. Its like out schooldont want us to get the help some of the kids in our school. So basically, the school decided to place itself in a area with high poverty, High unemployment and crime. And block the only thing to help kids affected with drugs.

 Are you being serious?!?!?

we need real teachers.

In my school, a number of important and well trained teachers fall ill or get pregnant. This means they are off for a number of months or even years. One of my friends (we will call him "bob") said that he has had a number of substitute teachers. This means he is not being taught the correct curriculum and also that he gets bad grades. This causes teachers to call him "lazy". This is far from the truth. He works hard. He just needs a real teacher.

I have had this problem with a couple of my science teachers.


sort it out!!!!!!

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon